Youth Development in partnership with AIO Solutions
Foster the pathway of knowledge to strength, independence and growth for future generations.
Education, Mentoring & Mana Rangatahi
By partnering with Āio Solutions Ltd this allows us to create and implement an engaging youth-centered kaupapa which encourages Rangatira, self growth and whānau participation.
Ignite and Oho Mauri are two kaupapa Aio Solutions offer for youth aged between 13 and 16 years olds who are at risk of not achieving in mainstream education.
Using the Taiao (environment) youth are exposed to a huge variety of ecosystems and natural resources, creating knowledge of sustainability while enhancing their numeracy and literacy.
If you would like to learn more about this kaupapa, please make contact with us.
It is our intention to provide opportunities and resources that promote positive experiences and safe environments for our youth.
We want to help our Rangatahi by:
In partnership with Āio Solutions we have empowered the lives of many Rangatahi & their whānau. Their whānau are excited by the growth and change they see in their tamaiti.
In the Te Houtaewa Rangatahi Team Relay, we have witnessed our Rangatahi work together, breaking physical and mental boundaries, completing a challenging race that they never dreamed possible.
Ride the Home Stretch Event - in this first-time ever event we saw a group of amazing rangatahi (youth), ride 311 kilometers from Te Reinga Wairua to the Brynderwyns – effectively the length of Te Taitokerau. This event promoted Rangatahi wellness, encouraging youth to take a stand to push through obstacles and challenges.
Ride the Home Stretch Event
Empowered whānau
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We are always on the lookout for new opportunities and initiatives to support the development and growth of our Rangatahi. If you would like to make a positive contribution to the lives of our Rangatahi in the North, we encourage you to make contact. We welcome those who are willing to share their time, resources and skills that will help our Rangatahi.
If you have an idea for a creative collaboration, please let us know. We’re always happy to hear new and innovative ideas that align with our mission and values.
Join our growing community of volunteers and positively impact the lives of your whānau & community.
6 Powells Road, Cable Bay 0420, NZ
Phone: 0221554327
Kaitaia Hospital
29 Redan Road, Kaitaia
Monday-Thursday: 9am - 3:30pm
*After hours can be arranged as required.
Level 1 5a-6a
69 Bank Street, Whangarei
9am - 3:30pm
Copyright | Te Houtaewa Māori Charitable Trust