Te Houtaewa Māori Charitable Trust is a registered ACC vendor (VBC205) and upholds the code of health & disability Services Consumer's rights.
If ACC agrees to provide you with support for your injury, you can ask them to pay for rongoā Māori as part of your rehabilitation.
You can request this through the ACC Recovery team member who's managing your claim, or contact ACC:
Phone 0800 101 996
Email claims@acc.co.nz
Phone 0221554327
Email vbc205@thmct.co.nz
Vendor number: VBC205
Vendor Name: Te Houtaewa Māori Charitable Trust
Or through their online service MyACC
ACC will talk to you about how your injury is affecting you and how you expect rongoā will help you to
rehabilitate. You don't need a healthcare professional to refer you to a rongoā Māori practitioner, but a
clinician may support your request for rongoā Māori services.
ACC do not refer to specific practitioners for rongoā Māori services. When you request access to rongoā
Māori, they will ask you which practitioner you would like to see, and they can help get you set up.
Phone: 0221554327
Email: bookings@thmct.co.nz
Kaitaia Hospital
29 Redan Road, Kaitaia
Monday-Thursday: 9am - 3:30pm
*After hours can be arranged as required.
5a-6a Level 1
69 Bank Street, Whangarei
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday:
9am - 3:30pm
Koha is a traditional Māori custom that can be translated as a gift, present, offering, donation or contribution.
6 Powells Road, Cable Bay 0420, NZ
Phone: 0221554327
Email: bookings@thmct.co.nz
Kaitaia Hospital
29 Redan Road, Kaitaia
Monday-Thursday: 9am - 3:30pm
*After hours can be arranged as required.
Level 1 5a-6a
69 Bank Street, Whangarei
9am - 3:30pm
Copyright | Te Houtaewa Māori Charitable Trust