About Us
What is the most important thing in the world? It is people, it is people, it is people.
We are a Kaupapa Māori, not-for-profit education and development Charitable Trust.
Our mission is to provide relief, care and support to the vulnerable members of our society.
Our vision is to contribute towards transforming Hauora Māori from one of our country's most significant health risks, to one of our most outstanding achievements for the people of Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Our values stem from the Māori-centric paradigm of:
Kaitaikitanga can be understood as the responsibility and practices that protect and nurture the mauri or essence and life force of people and places. This includes the principles of whanaungatanga (meaningful connections/connectedness) and tiaki (caring for people and places).
Relationship, kinship, sense of family connection – a relationship through shared experiences and working together which provides people with a sense of belonging. Reciprocal relationships.
The process of showing respect, generosity and care for others.
Well being and connection to one’s spirituality, beliefs and values; affection, sympathy, charity, compassion, love, empathy.
To be correct, true, upright, just, fair, accurate, appropriate, lawful, valid.
To be true, valid, honest, genuine, sincere.
Ko au te Kaiwhakahaere kei roto I te whare o Te Houtaewa Māori Charitable Trust.
He uri tenei no ngā iwi o Muriwhenua.
Kua noa nei te wa e noho ana ki te rohe o Ngāti Kahu, ki Whangaroa.
Ko Ngatoki-mata-whaorua te waka
Ko Nukutawhiti te rangatira
Ko Motatau te maunga
Ko Hikurangi te awa
Ko Te Horo te marae
Ko te Orewai te hapū
Ko Ngāti Hine rāua ko Ngāpuhi Nui Tonu ngā iwi
Ko Teresa Hart tōku ingoa
Kaupapa Māori is by Māori, for everyone. Our services may be designed specifically for Māori, but it is of value to all whānau in the Northland region who want to improve their quality of life and wellbeing.
By weaving the Māori wellness concept Te Whare Tapa Whā into all our mahi, this helps us bring culture, whānau, inclusion, and community together to create an empowering experience for you and your whānau.
Our services & events available to the Northland Community are:
We provide Rongoā Māori at Whare Rongoā, Kaitaia Hospital and are also available to visit the whānau in around Ngāpuhi Nui Tonu, (we can come to you).
We provide mātauranga, affordable training, advice, advocacy and recognition for individual and groups.
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Thank you for subscribing to our pānui.
We will look forward to keeping you up to date with our mahi.
If you would like to make a positive contribution to the Northland community, we encourage you to make contact. We welcome those who are willing to share their time, resources and skills that will help our whānau.
If you have an idea for a creative collaboration, please let us know. We’re always happy to hear new and innovative ideas that align with our mission and values.
Join our growing community of volunteers and positively impact the lives of your whānau & community.
We are accepting expressions of interest from Practitioners for our Whare Rongoā services based at Kaitaia Hospital.
THMCT service objectives respond to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the need to prevent or mitigate the impact of external threats to whānau, hapū, iwi, and Māori communities as a response to COVID-19 pandemic.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought new challenges for us all, to maintain a healthy lifestyle, quality of life, and well-being. Preliminary evidence has suggested that higher odds of both mortality and severity of the COVID-19 are closely associated with unhealthy lifestyle behaviours. Thus, to contribute to this challenging global situation.
Rongoā Māori is informed by a body of knowledge that has, as its core, the enhancement of Māori wellbeing. In this way, Rongoā Māori differs from a Western medical paradigm, whose focus is primarily the absence of health and wellbeing and treatments/interventions to return to a state of health. Traditional healing is formulated in a Māori cultural context, in which THMCT delivers services that include Mana Moutuhake (autonomy, identity, and self-actualisation).
Traditional Rongoā Māori is where THMCT has invested, Te Houtaewa footprint, to contribute various services into Te Tai Tokerau communities.
6 Powells Road, Cable Bay 0420, NZ
Phone: 0221554327
Email: bookings@thmct.co.nz
Kaitaia Hospital
29 Redan Road, Kaitaia
Monday-Thursday: 9am - 3:30pm
*After hours can be arranged as required.
Level 1 5a-6a
69 Bank Street, Whangarei
9am - 3:30pm
Copyright | Te Houtaewa Māori Charitable Trust